There’s something about the sun in January in Minnesota that brings an uprising of joy. My body always gets electric when the sun begins to come back up into the sky, and the days get longer. The cats all notice too, and they get so frustrated when they go out (we have a cat proof fenced back yard) and it’s -20 degrees. They stare angrily around like, “this is bs!!” and then come in the house and whine. But today it’s almost 40 degrees, the sun is shining and January is half over.
I’ve been super busy working on the retreat with Paula. We have a brand new page with a lot more information. I’ve been hanging with my friend Dave and making videos, and finally getting the numerous podcasts and shorts up on my youtube channel. And my heart is opening again. After my sister and my ex died within a month of each other, I shut down and felt so isolated and lonely. Then as I began pouring myself into the retreat, I was working with 3 different Devas. They brought balance and healing to me, and one day I looked around and realized how many people were holding me in love and support and I wept for hours. Since 2020 when the world as we knew it ended, I think I closed myself off, and now there’s a lightness and a joy bubbling deep beneath the surface. My optimism has returned and I’m looking forward to sunshine, the ocean, and connecting deeply with an incredible group of people
The Devas I was working with were: the Deva of Emotional Technologies, the Deva of Villa Ataraxia, our retreat space, and the Deva of the retreat itself. They guided me into a focused, highly charged state and then fed me information, suggestions and patience - omg, the patience lol! I believe this will be the pinnacle of all of my teaching to date. I hope if you are a woman looking for something better in life that you will consider joining me.
Everyone on my mailing list has a piece of my heart, and I theirs. The message about how love is the only way forward is one I and many others have been saying for years, yet until now I had not realized that something was keeping me from feeling it. I am so grateful that is changing. Even if you and I have not connected for years, know that when I think of you, it is with love and gratitude for the stories we created together. Thank you all for being part of my life. I hope that 2025 turns out to be amazing for everyone.